206,687 t through projects in Austria.
From 2008 to 2023, environmentally mindful companies and individuals have partnered with Climate Austria to avoid a total of 517,262 t of CO2. Of these, 206,687 t were achieved through investments in one of the approximately 367 projects in Austria. This accounts for 40% of the total balance during this period.
367 projects in Austria
206,687 t of CO2 avoided
40% of the overall portfolio
310,575 t through international projects.
Our 73 international projects account for around 60% of the overall portfolio. To date, emissions have been reduced by approximately 310,575 t. Energy efficiency projects account for the largest share, followed by hydroelectric power and wind power.
73 international projects
310,575 t of CO2 avoided
60% of the overall portfolio
367 projects in Austria.
Until 2023, exactly 367 projects were implemented in Austria. The majority, 156 projects, were dedicated to bioenergy (wood, solar), followed by 99 in the area of building insulation, 26 in efficient production and 86 in sustainable mobility.
73 international climate protection projects.
Projects carried out outside Austria in the areas of efficient cooking stoves, hydroelectric power, biodiversity, etc. stand out for their high environmental integrity and socio-economic benefits.
Associations benefit as well.
Your voluntary climate protection contribution not only benefits the climate. Climate Austria's support also benefits associations in the areas of sports, health, culture, and social affairs.
Information & awareness raising.
Climate Austria is also committed to informing the general public about voluntary climate protection and highlighting interesting facts. For instance, did you know that ca 6 m2 solar collectors are needed to avoid one ton of CO2?